Expert Workshop on engaging the Ukrainian diaspora in reconstruction and development

February 23, 2023

Dr Kateryna Bondar, WFUWO Main Representative to the UN Geneva, participated in the Expert Workshop on engaging the Ukrainian diaspora in reconstruction and development organised by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) (ODIHR) in Warsaw, Poland.
Topics discussed during this 2-day workshop included the role of diasporas in post-conflict reconstruction and development based on examples of other/non-Ukrainian diasporas, past and present Ukrainian diaspora involvement, diaspora’s role in identity building, transition justice processes, promotion of democracy and human rights, recognition and institutionalization of Ukrainian diaspora involvement, mapping of diaspora organisations, key lessons for future Ukrainian diaspora engagement and policy recommendations for the Ukrainian authorities, international organizations and other actors.
Dr Kateryna Bondar presented the activities of the UN team of the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations Світова Федерація Українських Жіночих Організацій, including statements she delivered at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva and WFUWO’s other public statements, petitions and events, and cooperation with Ukrainian missions to the UN and Ukraine Government Commissioner for Gender Equality Dr Kateryna Levchenko, in the context of diaspora’s engagement in the area of advocacy, human rights, women’s rights, support of Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression and claims for justice. She also spoke about economic, humanitarian and political engagement of Ukrainian diaspora in Switzerland.
Photo Credit (group): OSCE/ROBIN VAN BERLO
OSCE – The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe